From One Ethically Sourced Mug to a Global Movement

When people hear that human trafficking (a form of modern day slavery) not only exists, but is growing and thriving around the globe they are often left wondering, "How can I help?" Too often that question goes unanswered or addressed in intangible ways. 

The Freedom Café is our attempt to answer that question. In our first three years we have come to see that creating a space for a progressive engagement with a social issue is necessary to bring large scale change. Each visit to The Freedom Café invites you to learn a little more. Too often our heartfelt responses are left unresolved and unfulfilled, and lead to disconnection and decreased engagement. No one can grapple with an issue of this magnitude all at once, but one cup at a time, we learn and grow. 

By combining a consistent and progressive way to learn and be involved in the process of ending human trafficking, The Freedom Café moves individuals from disconnection to empowerment.

It's common for people to come to The Freedom Café because they have had been moved by an event or news article and are looking for a way to help. Other times, it's our music, community, a Chocolate Fondue Protest Party, or a quest for the best cup of coffee around that opens the door to greater engagement. 

Stopping in to enjoy a drink and give a donation not only generates funds to support the mission, it also leads to a growing awareness of the many strands of work being done to end trafficking and how to further help the process.

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