2015 was a milestone year for the Freedom Café. Early in the year we formed an outreach team and developed a series of educational seminars which we brought to class rooms, residence halls, churches and local organizations. Following our partnership with the United Nations Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons to host the GIFT Box at UNH, Freedom Café took on the management of the NE GIFT Box. From Perform Freedom nights, community presentations and GIFT Box campaigns we hosted 58 educational events and engaged over 4,000 unique individuals. Our efforts to end human trafficking were supported by 57 volunteers who served for a collective 2300 hours. Eight of our volunteers logged over 100 volunteer hours earning the Presidential Service Award.
Our cafe counter served 4200 drinks raising $10,000 for our Grant Fund. Grants were given to:
Love146: $5,000.00
and the NE GIFT Box: $2,500.00
You may recall that the Freedom Café began in 2013 as a sponsored non-profit. In April 2015 we stepped out on our own as a Registered NH Charity and are excited to announce that we received our 501c3 determination letter from the IRS making us an official tax exempt non-profit organization. We are grateful to Nixon Peabody LLP for assisting us in this process. With a healthy board and policies in place, we are poised to build on our recent efforts and pursue our long-term goals.
In the coming year we will continue to build community support and raise resource to bring the GIFT Box to High Schools around the state. By drawing attention to areas of vulnerability and signs of domestic violence and human trafficking we will create a level of prevention as well as initiate young people in the process of being educated consumers who foster a traffic-free world through their life-time purchases.
Help make this vision possible by becoming a regular guest at the café, joining our Freedom Builder Coffee Club, volunteering and making tax deductible donations to support our educational programming. Find out more or donate online at