Movement on the Move

Recent UNH Today article, "A Movement on the Move," features The Freedom Cafe. The article shares the evolution of the café from our humble beginnings to our move to Main Street! We are so proud of how far we have come and grateful to be on this journey with you!

Thank you to the countless, “Freedom Drinkers”, volunteers, advocates and supporters who have come together around the mission to “END human trafficking one cup (and event) at a time!” Let’s continue to expand our impact together!

Follow the link to read the full feature article!

#FreedomCafe #UNH #UNHToday #DurhamNH #FreedomInDurham #EndTrafficking #EndHumanTrafficking #EthicallySourced #SmallBusiness #NonProfit #FairTradeCertified #FairTrade #BeAConsciousConsumer #ConsciousConsumerism #BeTheChange #OneCupAtATime

Bryan BessetteComment