The Freedom Café

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NH To Receive a $1.3M Grant to Combat Human Trafficking

It's official! The Department of Justice has awarded a $1.3 Million Grant to support NH efforts to combat human trafficking. We are excited to partner with and support state efforts through involvement in the New Hampshire Human Trafficking Collaborative Task Force.

he following information about the Grant and Collaborative is from the Collaborative Core team Member, Give Way to Freedom originally posted at: 


Give Way to Freedom is a member of the Core Team, providing leadership and technical assistance to the New Hampshire Human Trafficking Collaborative Task Force (“The Collaborative”).

The MISSION of the Collaborative is to develop and implement a multidisciplinary response to human trafficking in New Hampshire that is:

  • coordinated and collaborative,
  • victim-centered, and
  • trauma-informed.


  • The Collaborative is comprised of law enforcement, service providers, attorneys, state agencies, and other community stakeholders working together for the purpose of improving the statewide response to human trafficking.
  • Recognizing the complexity of the issue, as well as a fundamental lack of resources, the Collaborative functions as a central hub where interested stakeholders can connect, collaborate, and maximize impact through collective and strategic action.
  • Fundamental to the Collaborative’s efforts is the understanding that human trafficking impacts vulnerable people and populations, and any true response must include support to prevent and address vulnerability in whatever form it may take.


  • Human trafficking - both sex and labor - happens in New Hampshire.
  • Human trafficking impacts all genders, ages, and nationalities and our response, including investigation, prosecution, services, training, and awareness must be inclusive.
  • Collaboration is essential for success.
  • Effective investigations, prosecutions, and services are victim-centered and trauma-informed.
  • Preventing and responding to human trafficking requires a thoughtful and long-term approach, with policies and actions informed by data and experience.
  • Audiences should be empowered with concrete ways they can be part of the response in their personal and/or professional capacity.


Over the next three years, the Collaborative will implement plans to formalize and enhance existing efforts and build capacity statewide to achieve the following goals:

  • Identify victims of all forms of trafficking;
  • Investigate cases and prosecute cases at the local, state, and federal levels; and
  • Provide comprehensive, victim-centered and trauma-informed services and support to all survivors - men, women, children, citizens and non-citizens.
  • Engage the Community in ways that positively contribute to identification, investigation, and service provision.


Through a federal grant from the Department of Justice, as well as contributions from Give Way to Freedom and the Freedom Café, the Collaborative will be able to dedicate staff, support survivor needs, investigate and prosecute sex and labor cases, provide training, and coordinate data collection and evaluation in furtherance of the four goals.


A Core Team leads the Collaborative, comprised of Manchester Police Department, Child and Family Services of New Hampshire, Give Way to Freedom, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of New Hampshire, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations.


The Collaborative Partners represent a diverse group of stakeholders committed to sharing their experience and expertise. With the implementation of the three year plan, the Collaborative will continue to engage and grow its membership in order to develop the best response and supports and achieve the four goals.

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