Communication intern


  • Utilize social media and other modes of digital communication to promote discussion and awareness of our cause, upcoming events and general engagement in our organization.
  • Have the opportunity to develop and implement campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Build our YouTube channel and sustain organizational communications through MailChimp newsletters and web blog.
  • Assist the director in advancing the overall mission of The Freedom Café.


  • Read and put into practice the basic principles of our style guide which outline the posture, tone and style we seek to present in all of our communication about the organization and cause.
  • Spend a minimum of 2 hours per week in the cafe gaining knowledge and a better understanding of our cause, regularly attend events to help further your knowledge. 
  • Follow our program partners on social media and connect with research and outreach team members.
  • Serve for a minimum of 3 months (required in order to receive training).
  • Attend volunteer meetings on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 5pm- 6:30pm.
  • View the Not My Life Documentary and provide a 1 page response demonstrating an entry level knowledge of human trafficking.


  • Personal vision for co-creating a traffic-free world.
  • Must be able to work under your own initiative.
  • Oral and written communication skills are essential.


  • Professional social media experience.
  • Gain leadership and relationship skills.
  • Learn how to work under your own initiative.
  • Gain valuable knowledge about human trafficking.
  • Opportunity to earn the President's Volunteer Service Award.