The Freedom Café

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Resolve to Help End Human Trafficking

The Freedom Cafe is celebrating our 10 year anniversary all year long! This January, make a resolution that will make a difference. Choose 1, 2, or all 10!

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many of us eagerly embrace the opportunity to start anew, vowing to better ourselves with a list of resolutions. All too often, these promises fade away within a day or two. 

This year, why not make a resolution that can genuinely impact the lives of others? Join the fight against human trafficking with these 10 straightforward and easy-to-keep resolutions that can make a real difference:

  1. Know the facts: Human trafficking is a growing problem in the US, and NH is not immune. Visit the New Hampshire Human Trafficking Collaborative Task Force for more.

  2. Share your concern: Use social media platforms to raise awareness about human trafficking, using hashtags like #thefreedomcafe #endtrafficking #beaconsciousconsumer.

  3. Buy Fair Trade products: Look for a “Fair Trade” or “Equal Exchange” label on chocolate, coffee, tea, etc. to be sure items were produced without forced or child labor.

  4. No cheap chocolate! A significant portion of the world's cocoa is produced in countries where ~1.56 million children are subjected to child labor. Look for certifications like Fairtrade International, Rainforest Alliance, or UTZ Certified.

  5. Avoid fast fashion: Cheap clothing often relies on exploitative labor practices. Choose sustainable and ethical fashion brands instead. Discover ethical brands at

  6. Consider second-hand shopping: Thrift shopping reduces demand for new products made through exploitative means.

  7. Shop local and support small businesses: Purchasing from local businesses can reduce the demand for products made by exploited workers.

  8. Support survivor-made products: Purchase from companies that help survivors rebuild their lives. Check out Rethreaded and The Worthy Co – both NH-based businesses.  

  9. Look deeper: Learn about a company’s labor practices at, or visit the US Department of Labor’s list of goods produced by child or forced labor.

  10. Visit and tell people about the Freedom Cafe! The Freedom Café is a non-profit café dedicated to ending the commercial exploitation of all people. Plus we have really good coffee and baked goods :)