The Freedom Café

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Turn Your Concern into Action!

"Consumers say they are becoming more concerned about the impact fashion brands have on the planet. However, there is a huge gap between what consumers are saying and how they behave... Studies show that consumers are not willing to pay more for sustainable fashion and would rather pay more for style, quality and fashion which gives them value for money." -

While it's not surprising to hear there is a significant gap between concern and action when it comes to sustainably and ethically sourced products, it is encouraging that MOST CONSUMERS WILL PAY MORE FOR QUALITY. Obviously the article referenced is about fashion, however, the concept carries over to numerous other products including coffee.

The Freedom Cafe, Durham serves specialty coffee because we want to serve the very best products, providing guests a quality experience worth paying for and one that provides the highest return and investment for growers and producers throughout the supply chain.

The term specialty coffee refers to coffee made from the very best beans available in the world, which are expertly roasted by craft roasters to bring out their unique and ideal flavors. The folks at The Coffee Shrub describe a process of Farm Gate Pricing which gives growers 'above Fair Trade minimums', and provides an simple way to verify that the good price paid makes it to the people who do the work. - This is direct and transparent trade for a high quality product worth paying a premium price to enjoy.

So, turn your concern into action and buy higher quality ethically & sustainably sourced products even if it means you buy less.

You can start today right here at The Freedom Café and help end human trafficking one ethically sourced mug of specialty coffee at a time!